On 6 Aug 2001 06:10:09 -0700,
Jason Bassford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

:> Someone figured that allowing deeper nesting would make a stack overflow 
:> somewhere. (It has happened. That's why the limit was put in.)

:   So it shows as much as it can without crashing.  An excellent
:   I can't recall now - wasn't there some discussion about showing a
:tray icon whenever the page being displayed is bad HTML?  So that at
:least the user knows that if anything doesn't look right it's the
:fault of the designer not the browser.

Something on the window itself would be better - surely a tray icon would
just be saying "one of these twenty windows has an HTML error."

http://thingy.apana.org.au/~fun/                    http://www.rocknerd.org/
"I am so pissed off right now that I could just shit a live pitbull."  (Jay)

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