"shay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Jerry Baker wrote:
> > shay wrote:
> >
> >>Can anyone tell me how I can get the  icons in Mozilla to just have
> >>pictures and no text?
> >>Plus how can I make the scroll bars thinner?
> >
> > Heh. Are you ready to learn the intricacies of two computer languages,
> > and how they interact? If not, then it can't be done as far as I know.
> >
> > Some Mozillans are under the impression that because it is *possible* to
> > customize Mozilla, that Mozilla is customizable for the world+dog.
> So I guess that's a no? =)
> When you say
>  > learn the intricacies of two computer languages,
> which two do you mean? And does it require recompilation if the mozilla
> source files?

Removing the text from the toolbar icons
should just be a matter of editing the XUL
files for the main browser window. XUL is
an XML (structured text) format. Changing
the size of the scrollbars would involve
editing the CSS files, which is probably what
Jerry Baker meant by "learning the intricacies
of two computer languages and how they

Neither is a programming language. No
recompilation would be necessary.

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