Asa Dotzler wrote:
> Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:
> >
> > Asa Dotzler wrote:
> >
> >>Phil Edwards wrote:
> >>
> >>>The subject pretty much covers it...  I am behind so many firewalls that
> >>>a team of network security engineers has to sacrifice a virgin goat in
> >>>order to retrieve a simple webpage from the Outside World.  Just how is
> >>>the talkback agent supposed to get through things like blocked outbound
> >>>ports, etc?  Is it just using email? http? ftp?  If it's using its own
> >>>fancy protocol, then I might as well disable it permanently; no way is it
> >>>ever going to reach its server unless we know which ports to unblock.
> >>>
> >>>Exactly what the talkback does and how it works doesn't seem to be described
> >>>anywhere on  Just "this gives us needed feedback" is all I
> >>>can find.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Phil
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>Talkback should send its reports over HTTP.  The Talkback application
> >>catches crashes and sends a report to a server. The report usually
> >>contains a stack trace of the crash, the time between crashes (if it's
> >>not the first crash) and information about the the state of the browser
> >>when it went down. It does not send in any personal information like the
> >>URL or any other browser history or email but it gives you the
> >>oportunity to put that information in the form when you submit it.
> >>
> >>I think you can manipulate the proxy settings by going to the <install
> >>dir>/bin/components/ and running the talkback.exe. Then select
> >>Settings|Options and there should be HTTP or SOCKS proxy settings options.
> >>
> >>I regularly pull specific stack traces from the talkback server and add
> >>them to bugs if people reporting crahser bugs include talkback incident
> >>IDs and a team of engineers looks at the bigger pictures of commonly
> >>experienced crashes and overall mean time between failures. You can see
> >>talkback reports in the newsgroup n.p.m.crash-data for some ideas about
> >>what they look like.
> >>
> >>Hope this helped to explain it some.
> >>
> >>--Asa
> >>
> >
> > There should be a cautionary note: At least on some platforms (MAC
> > especially) where Talkback in most cases will actually cause crashes
> > instead of catching crashes. Thus could send false info based caused
> > crash. We users of Communicator since 4.5 have had to endure such
> > crashes until we removed the Talkback folder from the install. Talkback
> > has the same affect on Mozilla for Mac as well.
> >
> >
> Phillip, please do stop stating your experience as fact. Mozilla
> Milestones recently started including Talkback on Mac (nightlies don't)
> and there is no evidence, not one single bug in all of the 92,000 bugs
> in Bugzilla, not a lick of support, not one email to staff, me or QA,
> not one complaint on IRC, not one post in the tens of thousands of posts
> to the newsgroups (except for yours), not one shred of evidence,
> nothing, not a hint of any problems caused by Talkback on Mac Mozilla.
> I realize that you have a couple of pet issues that are important to you
> (mailnews location dropdown and talkback on mac) but is it really
> necessary to respond to every possible almost related post in this
> newsgroup with comments that are stated as fact and usually unrelated to
> the question being asked. You're doing more harm than good when you turn
> other people's questions into your issues. You're misinforming new
> Mozilla users/testers and confusing their issues with your pet problems.
> --Asa

Dear Asa,

This has nothing to do with Pet issues I may or may not have.
My experience using Talkback is that Like CrashGuard from Symantec it
cause crashes on the Mac Platform.
 This was such an issue with Communicator 4.X series that the recommend
procedure from the netscape Champions program  was to remove the
Talkback folder from Communicator. And to remove all Full Circle and
Talkback items from the system Folder.

I try to be open minded (Though you and others may not think so) a New
program. and I am aware that Moz is Beta or possibly Alpha Software.

MY experience with Moz and Talkback is that I have had problems with Moz
with Talkback installed. I haven't downloaded the very latest nighly,
possibly the problem has been corrected.

My experince with Talkback has been while using my current G4-500/with
1gb RAM and with a 7100 using 128 mb of RAM, previous to my owning my G4-500.

I've had other people testing Moz that post to other groups and most
like don't know that these groups exist, have the same experience.

With the attitude that is inherent in these groups where input only from
Programers is taken seriously and people like me that test from a User's
point of view is looked upon as a dose of posion to be avoided; I
wouldn't dream of sending them here to give their input. I have a little
thicker skin and usually take the abuse.

Also I'm not saying everyone on a Mac gets these crashes. perhaps some
with only the system and Moz may not get the crashes. But; I have been
using Macs almost daily since the days of the SE/30 personally, and when
I worked for schools system used Mac's back to Fat Mac Days (just after
LISA project); I am experienced with Mac's

So you can brush me off lightly if you want to, but, I continue to
contribute thank you. 

Phillip M. Jones, CET     |MEMBER:VPEA (LIFE) ETA-I, NESDA,ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street        |Who's Who. PHONE:540-632-5045, FAX:540-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112-1809|[EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!


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