Matthew Thomas wrote:
> Jason Bassford wrote:
> < massive snip >
> No. All this discussion is evidence of is that Peter Lairo likes adding
> keywords to bugs. This fact is well-known to anyone who gets a lot of
> bugmail involving the front end of Mozilla, since a noticable proportion
> of said bugmail is from Peter adding useless or irrelevant keywords to
> bugs, or (as a special treat) making Additional Comments requesting that
> someone *else* add such keywords.

You are mistaken. I add keywords because I have read the keywords 
definitions and have concluded that they are appropriate. Maybe in the 
beginning (6+ months ago) I would add keywords that didn't apply (I've 
since layed off the nsCatFood one - sorry) because I had misunderstood 
their meaning. I still believe that if a keyword is appropriate, then it 
should be used.

I challenge you to make a *significant* (everyone makes *occasional* 
misjudgements) list of erroneous keywords I have added in the last 4 
months. Then we will discuss them on the basis of the definitions. You 
make wild accusations - let's see you back them up!

> A *LoRiskHiReward* keyword would be especially useful for Peter in two
> respects. Firstly, it is a very long name for a keyword, so it would
> help fill up the keyword field and therefore make the bug look important
> (which is why he adds the keywords in the first place).

May your toenails turn purple and start to smell like a russian toilet.

I challenge you to produce a list of bugs and keywords I have used that 
prove this. The list must be long enough as to be representative of the 
bugs I have filed. I will fight you on this because I think that 
(appropriate) keywords *should* be used for various purposes.

> And secondly, it
> contains two * symbols, which Peter likes using even more than I do.

OK, I'll admit to that. Although the *actual* keyword would *not* have 
those *cute* little *'s ;)

> Make no mistake: Peter is well-meaning, and I am quite sure that his
> contributions to Mozilla will eventually outweigh the amount of other
> people's time he wastes. But at the moment, he's still on the red side
> of the ledger, and this `DISCUSSION:' has been no exception.

It is only wasted because, either you don't understand the definitions 
of keywords, or the definition are in need of an overhaul (that's YOU 
again). Either way, I am not aware of any massive misuse of keywords in 
my bugs.

Actually, my plan is to annihilate this commi free-for-all project, Ha 
Ha Haaaa HHHHHAAAAAAAA (now imagine thunder and lightning accompanying 
my sinister bellowing laughter). Well meaning fools, I will destroy you 
in the end.

Pfew, got that off my chest ;)

PS. For the really dense: the "annihilation" paragraph was not meant 
seriously. I really do want Mozilla to succeed. ...for now ;)



Peter Lairo

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