JTK schrieb:

> Oddly enough, the world doesn't seem to be waiting for Mozilla. 
> Download the competition here: 
> http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.htm
> Since Mozilla was at last count about 4x slower than IE5.5, and has
> gotten slightly slower since then, can somebody please rerun those
> numbers against IE6.0 and see how much worse off we are now?  If those
> numbers have already been run, as I suspect they have been, could they
> please be published here?

http://www.chip.de compared Opera 5.12, Netscape 6.1 and IE 6.0 just 
yesterday. Opera wins, but Netscape comes in second, IE6, yes, IE6 is 
slowest. Odd, yes...

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from
the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent
disinclination to do so. (Douglas Adams)
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