It is funny.I was able to go Back in one page,and I clicked Home in
another case.I am sure that there are many ways,but Reload sounds good
to me.

barney wrote:
> Jay Garcia wrote:
> > barney wrote:
> >
> >> I've been playing with print preview.  It's a good start, but I haven't
> >> figured out how to get out of it and back to "normal" view of the page
> >> except by a Reload.
> >>
> >> Is there another trick, or is "undo print preview" a future embellishment?
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Add a "tab" then right-click on the "tab" with the print preview loaded
> > and "close tab" .... Band-aid until something else is available.
> >
> >
> What you suggest blows the page (and tab history) away, which may be
> rather undesirable.  A Reload takes it out of print preview mode and
> back to normal page view.  I guess that really is the only way, at least
> for now.

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