And the brutal repression of everything not red, white, and blue begins 
in America.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Henrik Gemal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Chocobo_greens wrote:
> >WTF is with the mozilla logo?
> >I use linux, i've used it for 3-4 years now, and I1 know NS 4.7 is not the 
> >greatest
> >browser, now that mozilla is moving towards 1, i want to install it, but i 
> >really cant
> >stand having a red star on my desktop or on anything i own for that
> >matter.  
> >
> >Why on earth did the developers choose such a blatantly political (and
> >many cases offensive) symbol? is their intention to offend or insult?
> >millions of people have been killed in the name of that symbol, even
> >today thousands others are brutally  slaughtered and here we see a group
> >for some strange reason embracing this. 
> >There are places where the presence of a red star makes you a pariah, do
> >you not want these people to use mozilla? for no falut of their own.. 
> >
> >Is mozilla communist or are the developers? or are they just sick
> >individuals who think it is funny that people have died? you should at
> >least have the decency to have version without the political images.
> >
> >Yes, i know that the red star is not just a symbol of communism, but that
> >is not an excuse, the gold/yellow bordered  red star is a blatant communist
> >image.. second only to the hammer and sickle. 
> >
> >What are we goging to see next? black swastikas on white and red? is this
> >going to be justified as being a swmbol of other cultures? for the record
> >the nazi swastika is a mirror image of its asian counter part and is also
> >tilted on an edge..  thus it is kinda easy to distinguish a nazi swastika
> >from others. A red star wouldn't be see as communist if it wasnt made in 
> >that style,
> >if anyone has even seen a few communist images or flags for that matter, 
> >they
> >know  what style/colors are being used here. 
> >
> >It becasue of extreme  people like these that linux in general is not taken 
> >as seriously as
> >it shoudl be and that is very sad.  I was not shocked when i first saw the
> >logo but i thought it was a joke.. along with those "for the good of the
> >source" banners.. i've come to expect this from the the linux community..
> >and its amusing..  but this is ridiculous.  ( i know mozilla!=linux but
> >that is the primary browser..  everyone else might as well use IE)
> >
> >for the record, i dont use mozilla or netscape anymore, i use opera now,
> >its free, fast, very small and light weight and more powerful and is 
> >everything mozilla should
> >have been but couldn't.  Let that red star be a warning label to all, 
> >mozilla
> >does strive to be bloated, buggy, ugly and inefficient. 
> >
> >I call for others like me offended by these images, to simply boycott
> >mozilla, i dont think we can change the mind set of the radicals and  we
> >might as well let them play with thier star  by themselves.
> >while most other browsers depend on mozilla, 
> >there are other free browsers for linux and other unicies and  i
> >discovered Opera is to be good alternative  ( ...
> >
> It's just a logo!!!!!!
> Everything that has a red star equals communist? Get a life!

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