Chocobo_greens wrote:

> On Fri, 07 Dec 2001 07:47:15 -0500, Jonas Jørgensen wrote:
>>Chocobo_greens wrote:
>>>Why on earth did the developers choose such a blatantly political (and
>>>many cases offensive) symbol? is their intention to offend or insult?
>>>millions of people have been killed in the name of that symbol, even
>>>today thousands others are brutally  slaughtered and here we see a
>>>group for some strange reason embracing this. There are places where
>>>the presence of a red star makes you a pariah, do you not want these
>>>people to use mozilla? for no falut of their own..
>>>Is mozilla communist or are the developers? or are they just sick
>>>individuals who think it is funny that people have died? you should at
>>>least have the decency to have version without the political images.
>>You seem to be confused about what communism is. Communists think that
>>everyone should be equal and that noone should be allowed to have
>>billions of dollars on their bank account when other people can't even
>>afford food to eat or a place to sleep. The terrible régime in the
>>Soviet Union had very little to do with communism. Unfortunately almost
>>everybody in America think about death, violence and terror when they
>>hear the word communism.
> no actually i am not confused , and this discussion is not about politics but about
> options.  I am fully aware of the utopian idead of communism (as you put
> it). 
> That brings me back to my point though, the Redstar may not necessarily
> be the symbol of "communism" but is the symbol of those who killed
> million in its name today and in the past.
>  Which is even more reason to get rid of the icon. If mozilla must have a
> red star, they can make it look non communist too.

Fine, but then you should stop saying things like "communist still 
murder thousands in the world under the red star".


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