Parish wrote:

> Ian Thomas wrote:
>> Malodushnikh wrote:
>>> I insist that you prove that this decreases Mozilla's usage.
>> And how do you suggest I do that? Should I ask everyone who has ever 
>> been to the mozilla website to ask them if they don't use mozilla 
>> because of this?
> <sigh> This is so familiar. The FreeBSD (and presumably Net- and 
> Open-BSD) mailing lists get regular threads complaining about the use of 
> the Devil (or Satan) as their logo because it is offensive to Christans 
> and other creeds, and that if they changed it then many more people 
> would use the OS.....

And penguins can be offensive to fish-lovers. Hey, OpenBSD uses a fish 
as it's logo! Maybe Linux uses a penguin because it wants to beat 
("eat") OpenBSD? Never thought of that before... ;-)

Stars, devils, penguins, fishes - it's just logos. Let's end this thread 
and do something useful.


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