On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 06:04:02 -0500,
Travis Crump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:Jonathan Wilson wrote:

:> I understand that loading favicon.ico for bookmarks is accually a good 
:> thing but why load favicon.ico on page load, what benifit does it have 
:> (other than displaying a pretty little icon in the URL bar?) 

:It is also displayed in the title of the tab, once you have about 
:fifteen tabs, the tabs are small enough that you can only see the first 
:two or three letters of the title.  Once you have on the order of 24 
:tabs you can no longer see any of the title and just see the site icon. 
: Trust me, the site icon makes it much easier to move between the 
:various sites I have open...

And the eyecandy value of a load of tabs showing favicons makes me want to
do favicons for my sites too. It looks really cool.

http://thingy.apana.org.au/~fun/                   http://www.rocknerd.org/
"For the purposes of this discussion, we'll assume there exists a spherical
gothband of uniform density which represents the Platonic ideal of 'goth'.
I won't have their records in the house. Hateful racket."  (HiRez)

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