Dan Howard wrote:

> 1) Is there a way to automate the process of changing these icons just 
> to make it a little easier when I install a new build?  Possibly a 
> simple batch file?  Better yet, a way to make the icon change "stick" 
> across installations?

Yes, my solution works as long as you install *over* an existing 
installation (if not, my solution is as easy as it gets - just copy a 
dir from one place to another, done!).

> 2)  Is there a way to use these icons on Mozilla task bar buttons and in 
> the system tray?

Ohh yes, and it's easy. Makes me wonder why the mucky-mucks at 
mozilla.org have not implemented it a LONG time ago (you guys are great, 
except for this infuriating blockade).

Here it is...

just unzip the attached file into your chrome directory (not in your 
profile dir).

You will then be the prowd owner of Giovanni's excellent icns - the best 
icons made for any application.



Peter Lairo

Attachment: Giovanni Icons - unzip into Chrome Dir.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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