JTK wrote:

>> > until I got it through my skull that the Mozilla project was
>> > not interested in succeeding and delivering a viable product.
>> If that is your opinion, may I ask why you are still reading the Mozilla
>> newsgroups?
> You may.  The answer is, I'm not entirely sure.  At one point, long ago,
> I figured that perhaps Mozilla/AOL/TW could be embarrassed into
> delivering a usable product, e.g., one in which you could select some
> text, right click, select "copy" from the context menu, and paste away
> to your heart's content.  But now it's clear even to this indefatigable
> optimist that such "functionality" that Notepad has had for many years
> is simply not forthcoming in my lifetime, my children's lifetime, nor my
> grandchildren's lifetime.

So you and your grandchildren will be dead before bug 98608 and 62872 is 
fixed? One of them is scheduled for Mozilla 1.0...

> Maybe I'm only here anymore so that once Mozilla has officially crashed
> and burned, I can say, "I told you so; if you'd listened to even 10% of
> what I'd said you might have had a chance at success."

You *really* need a hobby.

> Like I said, I really don't know.  What about you?  You're a
> true-believer, right?  Mozilla can do no wrong?

Mozilla can do lots of wrong, but it keeps getting better and better. 
Bugs are fixed every day.

 > Why then are you here?

I am here because I want to follow the development of Mozilla. I want to 
follow the development of Mozilla because I use Mozilla. I use Mozilla 
because I like Mozilla. If I didn't like Mozilla I wouldn't be here.


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