TGOS wrote:
[ in non-mozilla browsers ]
> and the edges of the large, white
> text-boxes weren't round in Opera either

See the lines for this in the css file:
|/* border-radius is not a CSS property, but a proposal for CSS3.
| * Mozilla has implemented it in an experimental fashion, which is used
| * here to show the expected effect in the future.
| */
|div.back, div.section {
|  border-radius: 4em 2em;
|  -moz-border-radius: 4em;

Thus, you see that border-radius is part of CSS 3, which is no standard 
yet. No browser can thus support it. However, they're using a "trick" to 
make Mozilla display round corners, which is only supposed to work in 

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                                  -- Benjamin Franklin

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