Nobody Special wrote:

You might want to change your name to a real one or you won't be taken 
seriously in here.

> Chris Nelson wrote:
>> That sounds like a bullshit argument. Logically, it's utter crap. Come 
>> up with something better.

> Are you an idiot, or just acting like one?  Frankly, I find the "stand 
> by Mozilla, right OR WRONG" sentiment to be the *real* bullshit around 
> here.  People care about performance.  From a browser perspective, 
> performance is largely judged by the "snap" in the user 
> interface/experience.  Other than entering a URL or clicking a link, the 
> *MOST* commonly utilised functions are "back" and "forward."  Face it, 
> Mozilla just can't cut it for people that actually value their time.

Apparently, you're missing that Mozilla is not an end-user browser. So 
logically, market share of Mozilla itself is nice, but doesn't matter. 
What does matter is market share of mozilla-based products like 
K-Meleon, Galeon and Netscape.

Sören Kuklau

This post written in MozillaNews by Sören Kuklau (Chucker). E-mail me at 

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