Bob Lathe wrote:
> I have used Netscape for 15 years. I have 6 Compaq computers and just 
> bought a new 5660AP, 1.8. The first thing I did was load Netscape 6.2-1 
> and made it the default mail/browser.
> My problem is that it will not auto connect to the server. In other 
> words when I open netscape it does not even try to dial up???? However 
> it does with Explorer even though Netscape is the default!! Is this a BG 
> special???
> Can anybody help.
> Bob Lathe

This is one of many reasons when, after purchasing Windows XP and 
installing it, I un-installed it and throwed it in the garbage.  I've 
never regretted it.  I use Windows ME and don't have to work with that 
type of bad OS behavior.  A user shouldn't have to go in and tweak the 
OS to have it operate properly with non-Microsoft software.

Wayne Alligood/Amelia Island, Florida
Compaq Computer running Windows XP/ Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Words rightly spoken are like apples of gold in pictures of silver."

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