Peter Lairo wrote:

>> "Oh, it's OK, it's only Libya, and everyone knows all Libyans are evil"?
>> I strongly disagree with this attitude. You should not discriminate 
>> against an individual based on what country they are from.
> If a person lives in a country that threatens the peace of other 
> countries, then that person either should leave that country or live 
> with the consequences of staying there.

1) That is not always an option. Some countries does not allow citizens 
to leave the country and will shoot you for trying.

2) Just because your country is ruled by an evil dictator, you might 
still love your country and not want to leave it.

3) Who is the US government to define which countries "threatens the 
peace of other countries" anyway? I think the families of the over 1,000 
innocent civilians killed recently in Afghanistan by US bombs would 
consider the United States of America a country which threatens the 
peace of etc., etc.


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