Sören Kuklau wrote:
> On 3/14/2002 2:12 PM, Peter Lairo apparently wrote exactly the following:
>> If a person lives in a country that threatens the peace of other 
>> countries, then that person either should leave that country or live 
>> with the consequences of staying there.
> And you assume it's like jumping on a plane to leave such a country? 
> Hint hint: The governments of such countries do not want their 
> population to leave them, just in case that wasn't obvious.

Then it is their obligation to fight against their government -with 
sticks, if need be.

I understand the Europeans are traumatized by the 1. and 2. WW's, but 
you better stat getting a grip on reality. All this "lets feed the poor 
starving afghanis" is nice, but it neglect the hard decision that need 
to be made. We all would prefer to be the life savers in *every* 
situation, but there are times when it is "less bad" to take lives.

The damage the UN and kofi anan has done recently in isreal - pushing 
for an independant palestinian state - shows how blindly desparate many 
are to have the *appearance* of peace. Who cares who is right (the 
Israelis) and who is/was the aggressor (the Palestinian). And who cares 
if this UN imosed "peace" will cause much more suffering of the innocent 
down the road. Oh, an the Germans are generally sypathetic to the 
palestinians - so much for learning from history. They want peace so 
desperately, they will blindly root for who *appears* to be the 
underdog. It's unbelievable how blind people can be in their desire to 
have all problems just go away.



Peter Lairo

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