Brian Heinrich wrote:
> Chris Charabaruk wrote:
>> I'm not American either, they just dictate our policies. Merely for 
>> the fact that they are our neighbours to the south. As far as I 
>> consider it, Ottawa is merely a puppet of D.C., which is a puppet 
>> itself to filty money.
>> Chris
>> Bamm Gabriana wrote:
>>> Um, I can't really follow these sort of discussions because I'm not
>>> an American. What I do know is that American foreign policy is
>>> what keeps third world countries in the third world.
>>> Michael H. Warfield wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 03:31:24AM +0000, DeMoN LaG wrote:
>>>>> Chris Charabaruk <com.meldstar@coldacid> wrote in
>>>>> 3C916A25.3010105@coldacid">news:3C916A25.3010105@coldacid, on 14 Mar 2002:
>>>>>> Yeah, tell me about it. Same people, different parties. Or, as
>>>>>> many have put it before, same difference. :P Whether it's the
>>>>>> Republicans or the Democrats who are in 'power', the real sceptre
>>>>>> is held by the corporate lobby groups, and a nice select group of
>>>>>> unknown advisors in government agencies such as the CIA.
>>>>> Lewis Black put it best:
>>>>> What's the difference between a democrat and a republican?  A 
>>>>> democrat sucks, a republican blows
>>>>     Democrats sleep in king size beds (we won't get into who with).
>>>> Republicans sleep in separate bedrooms.  That's why there are more
>>>> Democrats than Republicans.
>>>>     And the counter to that is...  That's also why there are more 
>>>> Democrats than Republicans...  (Ok...  So we did get into it - and 
>>>> so did
>>>> they...)
>>>>     :-)
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> AIM: FlyersR1 9
>>>>> email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>> _ = m
>>>>     Mike
> OK, so there's a bit too much nesting going on here, but:
> Hey, Chris:  I live in /Alberta/, fer crying out loud; people here think 
> this /is/ America.
On the other side of a nice poluted body of water is New York State. I'm 
a 20 minute bike ride from Toronto, heh. If it wasn't for our 
multi-colored currency, this probably would be America. Just the thought 
of that sickens me, I'm proud to be Canadian. (TM by Molson, I think)

> I'm largely in agreement with Bamm:  U. S. foreign policy /and/ the IMF 
> have done a wonderful job of keeping Third World countries in the Third 
> World.  Hell, they've even /created/ Third World countries (/e.g./, 
> modern-day South Africa).  And look at the lovely job they did in 
> Nicaragua.  /Et cetera/.
Where do I sign my name to be on that list, too? I also am in agreement 
with that point.

> What I've never been able to figure out, though, is how on earth their 
> own puppets and strong-men end up turning against them; Osama bin Laden 
> is just the most obvious and most recent of a very long line.
Let's not forget others such as Saddam Hussein. Washington loves playing 
Dominos out in the middle east.

> Which, of course, makes one wonder just what's behind this new push for 
> a Middle East peace process, let alone the U. N. Security Council's 
> resolution in favour of the creation of a separate Palestinian state.
Or the Isreali government's hatred of such a nation, propelling them to 
attempt, at least in my opinion, the emulation of those who oppressed 
them six decades ago.

> But I digress . . . and this is probably /not/ the most appropriate 
> place for political discussions anyway. . . .
No, heh... But there is no netscape.public.mozilla.politics group yet, 
so I guess this is the place for this. :)


Chris 'coldacid' Charabaruk <ccharabaruk.meldstar@com> 
Meldstar Studios <> - Creation, cubed.

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