Chris Charabaruk wrote:

>> But I digress . . . and this is probably /not/ the most appropriate 
>> place for political discussions anyway. . . .
> No, heh... But there is no netscape.public.mozilla.politics group yet, 
> so I guess this is the place for this. :)

See bug 127495, "Need newsgroup for off-topic postings". :-)

>> I'm largely in agreement with Bamm:  U. S. foreign policy /and/ the IMF 
>> have done a wonderful job of keeping Third World countries in the Third 
>> World.  Hell, they've even /created/ Third World countries (/e.g./, 
>> modern-day South Africa).  And look at the lovely job they did in 
>> Nicaragua.  /Et cetera/.
> Where do I sign my name to be on that list, too? I also am in agreement 
> with that point.

When you find the list, please add my name to it as well, will you?


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