blackbox wrote:
> "Brian Heinrich"
>>Umm . . . wouldn't the more appropriate question be:  What on God's good
>>green earth does Euclidean geometry have to do with with HTML or CSS?
> I have understood, you call  standards to html, css, xhtml, xml, etc.
> that drawing, you said is Euclidean geometry, is a standard, if you dont
> know.  And if you know is Euclidean geometry, then you know how many years
> it has.
> so, i ask you again. how many years of life it will have HTML CSS XHTML
> this time i did use google

Look, it's late and I want to go to bed, and I have *no* idea how to 
explain this to you.

The Euclidean figure you used is axiomatic; it is, therefore, very 
different from, say, the XHTML 1.0 standard, which is not based on any 
axiom(s) but rather on a self-consistent DTD (document type definition). 
  Furthermore, given that XML is designed to be *extensible*, any XML 
application cannot possibly be axiomatic, tho' I suppose SGML could be 
said to be so.  (Anybody able to give me a hand here or to clarify this?)

The best I can do is ask you to look the terms up in a good dictionary. 
   I don't know Spanish, so the best I can do is give you French terms 
that are roughly cognate with the distinction of which I'm thinking; 
that should give you a place from which to begin, at least.

The English 'axiom' comes from the Latin /axioma/; the French is /le 
axiome/.  'Standard' is a bit trickier; in French, the terms I'm 
thinking of are /la norme/, /le critère/; there are probably others that 
I've missed.  If that doesn't help, any Spanish terms that would be 
something like 'etandarde' or 'estandarde' *may* point you in the right 
direction, tho' they might also send you off on a tangent having to do 
with military standards; I really don't know.



We sail tonight for Singapore | We're all as mad as hatters here
I've fallen for a tawny moor | Took off to the land of Nod
Drank with all the Chinamen | Walked the sewers of Paris
I danced along a colored wind | Dangled from a rope of sand
You must say goodbye to me
         -- Tom Waits, 'Singapore'

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