Hans-Peter Fischer wrote:
> Peter Lairo wrote:
>> Remember, the wired box people were murderous criminals. 
> You really make it difficult for people not to call you an idiot. Every 
> decent source of information - including US media - speak of *suspected* 
> Al-Quaeda members, and Taliban *soldiers*. 

They are being diplomatic about accusing people before their guilt is 
proven (I applaud that). And the fact that they are soldiers does not 
excuse them when they commut murder. See my previous "Wehrmacht" post.

> Only you *know* that they 
> were all murderous criminals (from 25 different countries by the way - 
> LOL). 

You must be pretty blind to think that they were there "from 25 
different countries" to go on a vacation in the caves of Afghanistan. 
What do *you* think they were doing there?

> Do you really think anybody will buy your lies when there's more 
> reliable information available everywhere? 

And what information would that be?

> Do some reading on the web 
> instead of making a nuisance of yourself here!

The truth is often a "nuisance" to those who would rather spread lies or 
are afraid to confront it.



Peter Lairo

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