"Deacon, Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>It should be noted that VeriSign sold the registrar division of Network
>Solutions (including the brand) back in 2003.  It is no longer has any
>affiliation with VeriSign.   

Sure, but I kept the association with Verisign because (a) they did own them
at one point and really should have fixed it then (heck, it should have been
fixed ten years ago), and (b) the separation between Verisign and NS isn't
very clear.  See e.g.

  VeriSign is the authoritative directory provider of all .com, .net, .cc, and
  .tv domain names, and an industry leader in Naming and Directory Services to
  globalize access to the Internet.


  VeriSign operates the largest infrastructure in the world as the COM NET

Maybe it's just me, but that text is saying that VeriSign == NS, even if they
have different names.


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