Gervase Markham wrote:
> Kikx wrote:
>> Yes ...
>> but there is still 2 solutions
>>     - A very big warning if we speak in SSL3 and the answer came in SSL2
> SSL3 has a mechanism for detecting an attacker attempting to downgrade a
> connection between two SSL3 endpoints to SSL2 in order to MITM it, if
> that's what you mean.

I don't understand your point ... I have writen a program a couple of
month before with downgrade a connection to SSL 2 without any warning ...
And I can't understand how the "mechanism" works because before the
handshake you have no security and as the attaker ask for an SSL2
connexion, there is no more checksum for the transaction in clear text
... then as the transaction in clear are not checked ... the attaker can
do whatever he wants !!!! (assuming that both of endpoints will accept
such a level of encryption)

After that I can understand that we can't just disable the SSL2 but a
warning should be welcomed ... and this warning is not in the SSL2 or
SSL3 protocols


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