On Sunday 19 June 2005 01:05, Tyler Close wrote:

> I think it's also important that we move beyond the "blame the
> customer" phase of this failure. Phishing occurs not because the user
> is lazy and stupid, but because the current SSL UI is lazy and stupid.
> The current SSL UI just blindly displays whatever the attacker asks
> and punts to the user for the work of recognizing the site and putting
> it in context. It's a 1.0 release design that was never followed up
> on. We're paying the price for this design laziness now. Phishing is
> our fault, not the user's. Until we accept this, we will fail to
> understand or solve the phishing problem.

I think it's important to bear in mind the historical
context of how this happened.

Back in the early 1990s, this thing called ecommerce
started up, and a few people were concerned about
listening to credit cards.  There was a bit of a precedent
for this in account password sniffing that box crackers
were after.  A deeper analysis and the experience of
SSH have shown this to be a shaky foundation, but it
was a fair mistake to make, at the time.

Coupled with the emphasis on "the search for the
revenue stream" and a bunch of crypto venders who
thought their time had come, the scene was set for a
very big approach to this threat.  They didn't adopt
the original threat model, but picked up a military-
inspired threat model - the MITM - which came from
the best of crypto experience, going back through
centuries of warmaking.

They took it very seriously;  and in the event, far too
seriously.  They went 'over the top' and fielded a
system that was far more secure, far more developed
than was required.

It also made severe demands on the users and the
browsers.  Now, what the users discovered and the
browser GUI people also discovered was that there
was no threat.  There was no-one listening to credit
cards, at least.  (Recall, online banking and thus a
need to protect passwords did not turn up until later.)

So users did the logical thing - they ignored the
security.  No threat, so no point in doing anything
but the minimum necessary.  What browser manufacturers
did was the logical thing - they reduced the security
component on the chrome over time until it had all
but disappeared.  No threat, so no point in it being

Then, in 2003 or thereabouts, phishing took off.  This
was indeed a threat that the original designers of the
secure browsing model had considered and covered.
But it didn't exist as a threat back then, it was simply
predicted as part of their total threat model.

So everyone acted rationally.  The result was a weak
security system, and phishing.  The challenge now is
to unravel that.

The challenge for the users is to recognise that their
decade-long discovery of "no threat" is out of date,
and there is now a threat.  Which means they need
to be part of the security model.

The challenge for the UI designers is to figure out
what the threat is and what the best way is to engage
the user in the security model is.  They have to debunk
the inbuilt contradiction that there is "no threat", and
that the security model that is in place conquers "all

The challenge for the security designers - the crypto
people and the overall security community - is to
debunk the assumption that the secure browsing
system is secure.  They need to examine it in the
context of a 10 year old model that was overdone
at the time, scaled back over a decade, and is now
misaligned to a threat that is agile enough to enjoy
its state of disrepair.

Everyone of those groups need to do something.
It's unfair to say that anyone of them is to blame,
per se, but it is equally inaccurate to say that they
don't need to do something.

Advances in Financial Cryptography, Issue 1:
Daniel Nagy, On Secure Knowledge-Based Authentication
Adam Shostack, Avoiding Liability: An Alternative Route to More Secure Products
Ian Grigg, Pareto-Secure
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