Gervase Markham wrote:
Heikki Toivonen wrote:

So that is why the status bar and title bar are the only places where
security indicators can go and be available even if the site tries to
muck with things.

There is also the not-insignificant factor that IE has chosen the status bar as their compulsory UI, and keeping security UI and window-size compatibility with them is very useful.

Funny... You may discover IE 7.0 changes that. They look at improved secuirty indicators very seriously, and give us much more positive responses than we ever got from the Mozilla security group (well, that was zero, so it is easy to beat). In fact I'm not sure our decision to implement TrustBar on FF was justified. Indeed, our next release of TrustBar will also be for IE (very soon).

So, Mozilla plays `follow the leader`? Nice to know. Not exactly the original goal of the project, was it?

BTW: the issue of placing the improved security indicator, on the top or bottom, status bar, as a regular toolbar, or title bar, is really secondary question in the design, and in fact I would argue that it is best to have it as a user-controlled toolbar so user can place it whereever she likes.

Best, Amir Herzberg

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