Hi, Naoki,

Your new code looks like very similar to my snapshot(but is not on the
net yet :p). It was mentioned in the first mail of
"the road to the next(v4.00?)" thread.

>>>>> "T" == Takehiro Tominaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> 3 new window subband code
    >>   little bit faster

Uum, there's many people who optimize the same thing with the same way.

>>>>> "N" == Naoki Shibata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    N> Someone, please explain it.

Maybe I should explain it because that was written by me,
but I'm poor at English and have no time to ducumentation.

Wait till GW :)

% for not Japanese : GW is not Gateway, but Golden Week.
% in Japan, there are many national holidays in the first week of May,
% and it is called "golden week"
% so I will have a much time to hack.
Takehiro TOMINAGA // may the source be with you!
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