When decoding mp3s to .wav (1) and using Cool Edit's Spectral View (2), to my
surprise I've noticed an obvious treble cut beyond 16KHz on VBR mp3s (3) I've
encoded with LAME.  Is this intentional?

Fortunately CBR mp3s (4) do not appear to suffer the same audio degredation.

See http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~ozzmosis/lame-tests/ for an example.


(1) Winamp 2.64 was used to decode to .wav.

(2) Cool Edit's Frequency Analysis (Alt+Z) can also be used to demonstrate
    this, but remember to select the entire waveform Ctrl+A beforehand.

(3) VBR mp3s were made using LAME 3.85 with "lame -V1 -b128 -h -k -mj -q1"

(4) CBR mp3s were made using LAME 3.85 with "-b224 -h -k -mj -q1" options.
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