> Hi.
> On Die, 25 Jul 2000, Roel VdB wrote:
> >best use "lame --decode", as it's the only correct decoder around
> >(check that decoding site) (but it makes no difference here)
> What is wrong with mpg123 -w ? Or was "only" meant in a way that encompasses
> only the windows-world?
> I understand that lame --decode basically uses mpglib/mpg123 for decoding,
> but I'd like to know if lame's version differs from the original mpg123 (i.e.
> bugfixes and the like).

Yes, LAME/mpglib has some bug fixes from the original mpg123/mpglib.
Mostly fixes in the 'scfsi' feature, which is used by MP3's produced
by LAME and Xing.

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