On Tue, Jul 25, 2000 at 01:48:48AM +0200, Frank Klemm wrote:

> ::  When decoding mp3s to .wav (1) and using Cool Edit's Spectral View (2), to my
> ::  surprise I've noticed an obvious treble cut beyond 16KHz on VBR mp3s (3) I've
> ::  encoded with LAME.  Is this intentional?
> Upper frequency limit depends on the average bit rate.
> It sounds better to reduce high frequencies responce than neglect the much
> more audible medium frequencies.
> With option "-k" you can suppress this feature, with "--lowpass <f_in_kHz>"
> you can choose another limit. For my ears reducing the limit by 10% enhances
> sound quality. The sound becomes more stable.

I was using -k
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