> I'm writing a little code snippet to read MPEG headers and report
> the info contained in them. After eliminating invalid headers by excluding
> bad/invalid bits and combinations, it still recognizes a lot of
> headers that aren't actually headers. Are there any other methods
> for eliminating invalid headers?

There are 4 other checks you can do: see the function
head_check, in mpglib/common.c.  You can also look for multiple
headers and make sure the samplerate and number of channels
dont change within the file.  (although technically I think
this is allowed!)

int head_check(unsigned long head)
  if( (head & 0xffe00000) != 0xffe00000) {
    /* syncword */
        return FALSE;
  if (3 !=  4-((head>>17)&3)) {
    /* bits 13-14 = layer 3 */
        return FALSE;
  if( ((head>>12)&0xf) == 0xf) {
    /* bits 16,17,18,19 = 1111  invalid bitrate */
    return FALSE;
  if( ((head>>10)&0x3) == 0x3 ) {
    /* bits 20,21 = 11  invalid sampling freq */
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

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