What exactly does the -q switch do anyways?

---- Begin Original Message ----

From: Stephan Ebertshäuser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 02 Aug 2000 12:23:01 +0200
Subject: Re: [MP3 ENCODER] 3.86a, bug with -h ?

Hi all!

> Wednesday, August 02, 2000, 1:06:26 AM, you
> >> In 3.86a it seems, that this feature is
always switched on.
> >> I'am using:
> >>  -mj --vbr-old -V1 -b128 -F
> >> Adding -h has no influence.
> >> With the older 3.85,
> >>  -mj -V1 -b128 -F
> >> gives better results as
> >>  -mj -V1 -b128 -F -q1.
> SE> Yes! This is also my experience.
Especially when the Wav-File contains a
> SE> lot of noise (such as copys from cassetes)
> that 3.85 sounds worse with -q1? Or do you
mean 3.86?

No! I realy mean 3.85 -q1. And it´s very audible.
I will give some samples, if anyone tells me
where I can upload them. (never
done before)


Stephan                        mailto:DerEber@gmx

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