Hi all,

I just made my latest snapshot with a "whole new psymodel".
it uses always MAXNOISE and do not normalize the spread function.
and it always uses mixed block, subblock gain, scalefactor scale.

The VBR mode of this code passes the "vbrtest.wav", and even more,
the file size will be almost same for the wav that is not problem
with current CVS version of lame.

I will explain the code but I am so busy... the code will tell you
the details. check the code before my explanation.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] // may the source be with you!

>>>>> "M" == Mark Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    M> scalefac_scale is similar to the new vbr code: it allows the
    M> encoder to get the noise shaping even closer to the output of
    M> the psycho acoustics, so it can make flaws in the psycho
    M> acoustics more noticable.

    M> Naoki's latest work makes a significant improvement to the
    M> psycho acoustics, so you might want to try it with --nspsytune.
    M> (scalefac_scale can still be enabled with -q1).  Some of the
    M> stuff in --nspsytune will make it into the default settings
    M> soon.

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