(my notes are encased by . note .)

<snip snip snip>

> Are there any mp3 players for DOS or Win3.1?  Is there any want for DOS

There are a few players for DOS and WIN3.1x out there. The ones I know of

DOS : dosamp.zip (based on winamp and ported to DOS)

yup 0.7 was the last release I saw on this.

DOS : ocp260pre4.rar (I don't know the full name)

this is Open Cubic Player 2.60 pre 4, originally was made to play MOD
variants, eventually became a little more versatile playing cd audio, mp2,
and then mp3... I used to use this to listen to 669's and farola tracker
stuff... ne1 know of any good traxx sites nowadays (I'll settle for the
mc(x) sites if they still have tracking mc's. I am _so_ out of the scene

WIN3.1 : wp3v23b5.exe (again, I don't know the full name).

that would be WinPlay3 2.3 beta 5, by Fraunhofer nonetheless.... =) ah the
glory days... museArc anyone? =p winplay3 was one of the original mp3
players out there (I still have "1.0" somewhere on a cd), had all sorts of
"playlist wrappers" but I think that by 2.0+ playlists support was
integrated (not in the winamp sense but in the sense that you could use next
track and previous track buttons... I don't know if they ever added seek
capability or not, anyway I'm not positive on a lot of this though. it's
been a LONG time, ~4 years? back when it was Peter (AldE), ^trojan^, and
myself (aqua_61)) oh, and winplay3 likely won't support a lot of features
since it's been a dead program for eons to the best of my knowledge. heck, I
thought it would just die after museArc came out. I remember the first time
I used it and got to seek in an mp3 and went wow. nowadays all the winamp
users are spoiled. ~sigh~ I feel old. =(

there was also something that I thought was a knock-off on winplay3 but
don't recall much about called AudioActive, another 16-bit app (they made a
32 bit version later), haven't seen it since version 1.3... and I don't know
of any other players for DOS unfortunately...

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