On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, engdev wrote:

> Nathan Blomquist wrote:
> > I was wondering if anyone would be or knows anyone who would be 
> > interested in a 16-Bit DOS version of LAME?  I have been able to
> > produce these by using a DOS extender called WDOSX.  This allows
> > almost any Win32 console application to work in standard DOS.

DJGPP is a DOS compiler. It produces 32 bit DOS executables that work
fine under DOS as it is. If you can't run the DJGPP compiled executable
under DOS then you need DJGPP's 32 bit dos extender cwsdpmi.exe to be
placed anywere on your path. It you havn't got it, get the file
csdpmi4b.zip from the v2misc directory of your DJGPP mirror.

> There are a few players for DOS and WIN3.1x out there. The ones I know of are...
> DOS : dosamp.zip (based on winamp and ported to DOS)
> DOS : ocp260pre4.rar (I don't know the full name)
Open Cubic Player
> WIN3.1 : wp3v23b5.exe (again, I don't know the full name).
> My computer is too slow to use any of these (a 486 120MHz), but an 
> additional problem is that these OS don't support long filenames,
> so it it extremely difficult to tell what you want to play without
> starting it and looking at the ID3.

The mad decoder uses integers instead of floating point to decode.
If someone were to port to dos, it probably would work ok on a 486.


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