I have a historic recording (1962, Spoken words) with nearly no useful
signal above 11 kHz. So I tried to code it with 22.05 kHz and 44.1 kHz.

The file with 44.1 kHz is much smaller than the file with 22.05 kHz.
Is this right? The difference is +42% for the 22.05 kHz file.

The most often used frame size is 80 kbps for 44.1 kHz and 160 kbps for the
22.05 kHz file.

$ ~pfk/lame/lame -mm --cwlimit 11.025 -V1 track04.cdda.wav /dev/null
LAME version 3.86 (www.sulaco.org/mp3)
Autoconverting from stereo to mono. Setting encoding to mono mode.
Encoding track04.cdda.wav => /dev/null
Encoding as 44.1 kHz VBR(q=1) single-ch MPEG1 LayerIII ( 6.0x estimated) qval=2
    Frame          |  CPU time/estim | REAL time/estim | play/CPU |  remain
  8802/8802  (100%)|    4:48/    4:48|    5:12/    5:12|   0.7959x|    0:00
 32 [   ]
 40 [   ]
 48 [   ]
 56 [ 0%]*
 64 [12%]************
 80 [49%]**************************************************
 96 [21%]**********************
112 [13%]**************
128 [ 4%]*****
160 [ 1%]*
192 [ 0%]*
224 [ 0%]*
256 [ 0%]*
320 [   ]
average:  88.6 kbps
$ ~pfk/lame/lame -mm --cwlimit 11.025 --resample 22.05 --lowpass 11.024 -V1 
   track04.cdda.wav /dev/null
LAME version 3.86 (www.sulaco.org/mp3)
Autoconverting from stereo to mono. Setting encoding to mono mode.
Resampling:  input=44.1kHz  output=22.0kHz
Using polyphase lowpass filter,  transition band:  10758 Hz - 11025 Hz
Encoding track04.cdda.wav => /dev/null
Encoding as 22.1 kHz VBR(q=1) single-ch MPEG2 LayerIII ( 6.0x estimated) qval=2
    Frame          |  CPU time/estim | REAL time/estim | play/CPU |  remain
  8802/8802  (100%)|    1:24/    1:24|    1:25/    1:25|   2.7368x|    0:00
  8 [   ]
 16 [   ]
 24 [   ]
 32 [   ]
 40 [   ]
 48 [ 0%]*
 56 [ 1%]***
 64 [ 5%]*********
 80 [14%]***********************
 96 [10%]*****************
112 [ 9%]***************
128 [ 8%]*************
144 [22%]*************************************
160 [30%]**************************************************
average: 125.7 kbps

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frank Klemm
phone | +49 (3641) 64-2721    home: +49 (3641) 390545
sMail | R.-Breitscheid-Str. 43, 07747 Jena, Germany

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