Hello Gabriel,

Thursday, August 17, 2000, 5:59:46 PM, you wrote:

>> RL> If you can point me to a specific implementation I can try to test it
>> RL> directly. The only requirement I have is that the implementation
GB> support some
>> RL> way of saving the decoded output to a file (e.g. WAV).
>> Would be great: http://www.daansystems.com/coolplayer
GB> It's useless as this player uses Xaudio
GB> Gabriel Bouvigne - France


The point was that the test says Xaudio is perfect, and I can clearly
hear something is wrong.

The link was provided to test if the xaudio test was ok, or the
implementation in coolplayer is ok.

Best regards,
 Roel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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