Mark Taylor schrieb am Mit, 13 Sep 2000:
> > 
> > 
> >    
> >   Thanks - I'll revisit your website.
> > 
> >   Another question :) Is there a preferred (or even mandatory)
> >   sequence to command-line opions for Lame ? I remember how quirky
> >   DOS could be in this respect
> > 
> The only problem is if you use incompatiable options - LAME
> does not check for this.  Examples would be -h and -f
> together, or -k and --lowpass together.
> Mark

As a general rule, the last given option overrides the previous:
-f -h => -h would be used, same goes if you want to override
a few preset settings. So I don't see a problem, but a feature ;-)

Ciao Robert

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