>> This is how it looks now, better than using va_arg() at each case imho...
>Why is it better ?
>You wasted an additional variable and gained ( maybe ) some code space
>by not doing a function call ( or maybe it is a macro , probably
>platform dependant ) every time.

It's usually a (rather messy) macro. ;)

>By writing almost the same code 3 times you increase the likehood of
>bugs 3 times :-)
>Alltough most of the code would be repeated anyway.

True, but there's not much space for error. ;)

>#define CASE(TAG,elem,type) case LAME_ ## TAG : gfp -> elem =
>va_arg(args, type); break;
>      CASE( SET_SAMPLING_FREQ , samp_freq    , int   )

That's actually not a bad idea...

>/* in my man page va_start has only one argument (ap) ... */

Your man-page is wrong then I think, the second argument is so that va_arg()
knows where to start (ie, it makes ap point to the next argument).

>> I can still implement a way to have the tag also contain the type of the
>> parameter, but since the general consensus seemed to be that this would be
>> too complicated I went for this approach... ;)
>But your existing tag "contain" the type , at least as much as they
>would in my method.

What I meant was that I could device another way of passing the tags that
would allow me to supply information of the parameters type (ptr/float/int),
but this isn't too convenient at the calling end.

>#ifdef YOU
>#define SOME_TAG some_int_value
>#define SOME_TAG some_int_value

What was the purpose of this?

>Unless I use
>but that is not the point , since it would work both with your and my

The advantage of having 3 different functions is also that you at a later
stage can change the type of the internal parameter, and still accept the
old without having to add a duplicate tag (f.ex. if you change from int to
float, then you can just add the tag to lame_set_float(), and add a cast in


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