Dmitry schrieb am Don, 28 Sep 2000:
> Hello Gabriel,
> Thursday, September 28, 2000, 12:08:23 PM, you wrote:
> >> On my Linux Box with a Pentium 166 MMX the MMX and non-MMX
> >> version produce bit identical results.
> GB> I compiled both releases (with and without mmx) with VC6, and the mp3 output
> GB> is bit identical on my Cel460/win98.
> nommx version was compiled with ic 4.5 (with project files)
> mmx version was compiled with makefile.msvc (ic4.5)
> may be here is the problem

        Thanks for clearance Dmitry.
        So the difference is only that in the MMX version
        RH_AMP and RH_VALIDATE_MS are enabled.

        RH_AMP stuff is what was previously known as RH_NOISE_CALC
        RH_VALIDATE_MS avoids to switch from LR to MS when
        the perceptual entropy indicates a need for more bits
        in MS coding mode than in LR mode. 

> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Dmitry                            mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        Ciao Robert

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