On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 11:32:06AM +0200, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 12:44:29 -0500
> Adam Luter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Which, as it happens, is what my program YaRET wants, because it is a
> > batch program (and user interaction is not really figured into that sort
> > of design).  So right now YaRET would have to parse the genre list
> > (gotten from the lame command line option) and match the user specified
> > genre (which is often from the very inaccurate CDDB database).  YaRET
> > could then go around lame and set an appropriate default genre, if the
> > user has set an invalid one.  Perhaps it can be appreciated (esp. since
> > YaRET supports several encoders) that this isn't the best solution for
> > YaRET.
> What about using soundex or something similar to find the "right" genre
> and fall back to a default one if there's no genre which sounds
> similar? This isn't something we can provide with very few code in lame,
> but AFAIK there's a perl module which implements soundex...

Well sure, but it still boils down to either YaRET keeping it's own
genre list (the cleanest solution, but not for maitainance), or querying
lame for it.  Which is akward looking, when abstracted -- since no other
format uses an id3 tagging (and would thus imposes a list of valid genres).

> > It's not that it's hard to add this functionality (heck YaRET's written
> > in -Perl-), but I would want it abstracted feature.  And as an abstracted
> > feature it seems -very- akward.
> > 
> > Now of course, I should go back to the rest of the world.  In which case
> > lame aborting is the best solution, I agree.  But there are probably
> > other front-ends to lame that -would- like to have a similar 'ignore tag
> > errors' option that turns off this abortive behavior; if only to simplify
> > user interaction.
> What about wrapping libmp3lame into a perl module (like I did with
> python)? This would make your program much more flexible.

Well it's a good idea, but beyond the scope of the YaRET project.  YaRET
aims to be a command-line frontend for utilities to rip, normalize and
encode.  The only libraries it uses are the CDDB ones because there are
no good command line tools (and the library isn't so hot either).

> > But, it is up to you.  As it is, I (personally) don't use lame for
> > anything where I care about having the genre set.  But as the maintainer
> > of YaRET my opinion is that lame quietly ignoring an invalid genre is a
> > nice feature.
> I don't know much perl (I can distinguish it from other languages), but
> what about somethin like  "system($command_line_with_user_genre) or
> system($command_line_with_default_genre) or die;"?

That's not that bad, but again this is a lame-specific fix.  I already
had one in YaRET, the reason for these messages was to see if I could
take -out- the lame specific parts.  (The current "fix" takes common bad
genres that CDDB returns (such as "misc") and replaces them with
"other", but I kinda like your above suggestion better).

If it's a matter of writing the command line switch option
"--ignore-errors", I don't mind doing that leg work.  But I just want to
know it's kosher first.


>       ...and that is how we know the Earth to be banana-shaped.

This new learning amazes me, explain again how sheep's bladders may be
employed to prevent earthquakes.

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