Quick comment...first time poster, and the reason I subscribed to this
mailing list AT ALL (like...quite a while back, can't remember) was
because I was curious about what encoding technology iTunes used :P I
was just too lazy to post...lo and behold, I see the other day that
someone has asked precisely the same question I intended to ask... and
thank you Bill Kincaid for the answer =^.^=

My question (which I suppose could be directed toward Mr. Kincaid,
considering his position) was if iTunes' mp3 encoding capability has
improved through each release of the program.  I'm on a P-Mac 6500
w/350 G3 upgrade card, and running OS 9.1, so I'm limited to iTunes
2...is there any increase of quality/decrease in filesize with
version's 3 and 4?  I know neithre will run on 9, but I was merely
curious (though it may also be more reason to get a newer computer
that's OS X capable...)

Hoping I posted this correctly..thanks. :P

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Pierre Belmondo, CEO of the AG Race Commission. June 8th, 2127
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