I'm new to the LAME encoder and trying to use the lame_enc.dll to interface
with Delphi 7.  I downloaded some GREAT components (Audio Components Suite
2.2) from...


I was able to use the MP3 -> WAV converter component and it worked perfect.
But it uses madlib.dll and vorbis codec's (dll's).  I was wanting to know if
you can do the same MP3 -> WAV conversion using just the LAME codec dll?
Does anyone have any examples if the answer is yes?

Also, the Mp3Out component works great for converting from WAV -> MP3 and
uses just the lame_enc.dll, but it only works with version 3.93.  If I try
to use it with 3.96 it fails.  There is a lame.pas and ACS_LAME.pas file and
I'm guessing one (or both) have to be updated but was wondering if anyone
knew what needed to be updated or if anyone has done this?

I just want to create an MP3 -> WAV converter and a WAV -> MP3 converter
that uses the LAME codec only.

Any information or sample code/projects would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.


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