Hello, Alexander!
You wrote to "Dmitriy Startsev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 2 Jun 2004
16:25:09 +0200:

AL> mpglib is a subset of mpg123, did you read the comparision of mpg123
AL> and madlib at the mad homepage (I don't think the author of mad does
AL> some tricks there)?

Yes, I did. But mpg123 passes the compliance test and lame does not, and I
want to know why.

AL> Additionally mad is more forgiving with "bad" MP3s.

AL> We (the lame maintainers/developers) talked about replacing mpglib with
AL> mad in lame. The consensus was that it would be a nice thing,
AL> unfortunately mad uses the GPL (at least this was the case the last
AL> time we discussed this) and we want something which uses the LGPL. But
AL> if someone writes code which integrates mad with lame (including
AL> support for the mp3 frame analyzer), we can integrate it and offer a
AL> compile time option to choose the decoder.

By the way, I'm currently working on my version of decoder (based on hip). I
would like to release it under LGPL. It can be easily integrated with lame.
Here are some of its features:
- support for free-format streams
- more output format options (16/24/32 bit and float, high/low endian,
reduced sampling frequency)
- forced mono or stereo mode
- better resync on bad streams (as compared to mpglib)
- support for replay gain
- optional x86 assembly optimizations

Are you interested?

AL> Bye,
AL> Alexander.

With best regards, Dmitriy Startsev.  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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