2009/1/19 mabshoff <michael.absh...@mathematik.uni-dortmund.de>:
> On Jan 18, 8:24 pm, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> 2009/1/19 mabshoff <michael.absh...@mathematik.uni-dortmund.de>:
> <SNIP>
>> >> Basically we can do a similar sort of thing for Moller's ngcd
>> >> function. It's relatively straightforward - should be only about half
>> >> a page of code. Might make a nice project for someone. I originally
>> >> volunteered to do it, but at present haven't found time to get it
>> >> done.
>> > Ok. Hopefully someone will attach this problem soon. I don't think
>> > this will have too much of an impact on most people's code and the
>> > benefit of having eMPIRe in for the cost of a slower xgcd is well
>> > worth it.
>> It's not as great an issue for xgcd as it is for gcd, if I understand 
>> correctly.
> Ok.
>> > Given the rather disruptive work on --enable-fat I am curious what the
>> > timeframe for the official release will look like?
>> Do you have any further info on the leak in t-locale. I have tried to
>> replicate it, but without success so far. Can you give me a list of
>> things to type to replicate it.
> Yes, it will be a day since I have to finish 3.3.alpha0, but then I
> will do that.
>> Other than that, the only thing holding up the release is the bug(s)
>> in /mpn/x86_64/fat/fat_entry.asm.
> Ok. Has the "make dist" issue been fixed? Last time I tried it was
> broken, but that was around svn1555.

No, it hasn't been fixed. I forgot about this issue. We need to get
you set up with a trac account so you can make tickets. Otherwise we
are always reliant on my memory.

>> > I have no problem
>> > shipping a more current svn revision since it is trivial to do wide
>> > testing and I assume if we do not use --enable-fat in Sage the code in
>> > question does not impact stability/compilation.
>> It shouldn't affect a normal build. I've been pretty careful to avoid
>> touching general code where possible.
> Famous last words :)
>> > Once the K10 code is
>> > in I have thought of using --enable-fat per default in Sage on x86
>> > based CPUs, especially since I have thought about making an SSE2
>> > binary of Sage since the Sage binaries build on boxen required SSE3 or
>> > more.
>> For binaries this is a good idea. It is a bad idea when building Sage
>> from source, for performance reasons.
> Sure, this would be strictly for binaries. My plan is to use objdump
> to find all the code that uses advanced SSE instructions on sage.math
> and then fiddle with the build system until only up to SSE2
> instructions are used. Then I would introduce a special
> SAGE_BINARY_DIST mode to build Sage limiting the optimization.
>> The K10 code will go in the next release, not the first release. I am
>> certainly looking forward to getting it out the door, but we should
>> get a solid first release without it first.
> Yes, I think that is extremely important. We can always do a couple
> bug fix releases in the meantime should the next big one take some
> time.

I think we'd be pushing for a very quick release of this code. I need
to look it over and we need to do some really solid testing. But then
we should get it out the door.

> But we should make a list of build platforms with a list of build
> targets, i.e. static only, dynamic only, C++, --enable-fat and so on
> we should test before pressing the button. Sage itself should be
> pretty good at catching correctness regression and I am sure people
> will point out speed regressions, too. We also have a framework that
> hunts for speed regressions and one potential small project for SD12
> is to write the last missing bits to automatically compare the speed
> of some small set of micro benchmarks. That test would be run for each
> Sage platform we build on during testing and adding a known profile
> from the last release and compare it against an updated release (where
> I could drop in some new svn snapshot of eMPIRe) would give us speed
> regression testing on a wide set of platforms and compilers.
>> > Anyway, it is a pleasure watching the ongoing discussion about fixing
>> > technical problems in the open on mpir-devel, so keep up the great
>> > work :)
>> Great.
>> Bill.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> >

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