On Jan 19, 5:45 am, "Case Vanhorsen" <cas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/19/09, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Case,


> > can you run ./config.guess for us on your machine (it is in the main
> > directory of the source tree for MPIR). You may need to set
> > permissions first by doing chmod 755 config.guess
> $ ./config.guess
> core2-pc-mingw32
> > You're right. It isn't fully figuring out that it needs to be doing 32
> > bit assembly on this machine. Probably we need to recognise that it is
> > mingw and force it to use ABI=32 throughout.

Note that Mingw has a 64 bit port, so the assumption Mingw -> 32 bit
build no longer holds. Unfortunately I am not sure how to properly
identify a 64 bit MinGW build. If I find out I will let yo know since
I have meant to start playing with it more for a while.

> > Bill.




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