2009/1/30  <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com>:
> On Thursday 29 January 2009 17:56:47 Bill Hart wrote:
>> The fat binary support on x86_64 is now fixed.
> Nice one
>> I fixed the issue with fat binaries on x86_64 machines with ABI = 32.
>> Hopefully this also fixes it for cygwin and mingw. But it takes over
>> 1.5 hours to build under cygwin (make completes successfully), however
>> I didn't get through make check because I forgot to build in a
>> directory without spaces in the name (a known cygwin bug), so it
>> crapped out.
>> Thus, I want to delay dealing with any further issues for fat binaries
>> on mingw32 or cygwin until a service release, MPIR 0.9.1.
>> So can we try again for release? Anything broken for anyone?
> make distclean is still broken for --enable-fat  on x86_64

Yep, I didn't fix that.

> and --host=none on x86_64

Yep, that is a bug and should be fixed some time. Not urgent I don't
think. I'll add a ticket for it.

> only really a problem when your testing for lots of different options
> just trying the same sort of thing on plain x86
> are we ment to use --host=chip-os-something  or --build=chip-something
> ?
> Jason
>> Bill.
> >

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