On Wednesday 11 March 2009 03:48:19 ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 March 2009 03:36:15 Bill Hart wrote:
> > Here are the results of tests so far on SkyNet:
> >
> > eno - 4.3.0 n f / 4.3.3 n f
> > cicero 4.3.0 n f
> > cato 4.1.2 n
> > varro A 4.0.1 n f / 4.3.3 n f
> > fulvia 4.3.3 n * *** / S  n ** *** ;
> > menas 4.2.1 n f / 4.3.3 n f
> > iras 4.1.2 n / 4.3.3 n
> > cleo 4.1.2 n / 4.3.3 n
> > rm mark 4.3.3 n / S
> >
> > * 30/36 yasm tests fail!!
> > ** make check failed for yasm
> > *** make failed for --enable-fat
> >
> > where:
> >
> > A = Apple CC
> > S = Sun CC
> > 4.x.y = gcc version
> > n = normal build passed
> > f = fat build passed
> >
> > I haven't been able to figure out a combination of PATH and
> > $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get the Sun CC and linker working on Mark. I've
> > done it before by copying all the relevant binaries to directories in
> > my home dir, but surely there is a way to get it to work. Anyone know?
> >
> > I don't think I had directories wrong for gcc 4.3.3 on Fulvia, so I
> > think this is a real build failure. I may have gotten the Sun
> > directories wrong however. But likely if it doesn't build with gcc it
> > won't with Sun CC.
> I'll have a look at fulvia failures , see whats up...

No I wont , my login not working for that machine ,works for rest though??

> > I'm pretty surprised that fat binary worked on varro, as it is a PPC,
> > not an x86. Perhaps fat binary just does nothing on unsupported archs.
> I suppose we should get fat to fallback to normal build or issue a error in
> building or do a fat build with just one cpu varient
> > Bill.

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