Config.guess identifies fulvia as a core2, yet the only gcc library
files that seem to be present for 64 bit are labelled amd64. That is
probably something to do with the failures.

I'm unable to get cat /proc/cpuinfo being a Sun, but here is the
result of uname -a

SunOS fulvia 5.10 Generic_127128-11 i86pc i386 i86pc

Not very helpful sorry.


2009/3/11 Bill Hart <>:
> I did make clean. I just tried it again and it definitely passes on varro.
> I don't think I'd be too worried about it. The issues on fulvia are
> certainly worth worrying about. I'll paste the failures here in a few
> hours (I'm tied up with something else right now).
> Bill.
> 2009/3/11  <>:
>> On Wednesday 11 March 2009 03:36:15 Bill Hart wrote:
>>> Here are the results of tests so far on SkyNet:
>>> eno - 4.3.0 n f / 4.3.3 n f
>>> cicero 4.3.0 n f
>>> cato 4.1.2 n
>>> varro A 4.0.1 n f / 4.3.3 n f
>>> fulvia 4.3.3 n * *** / S  n ** *** ;
>>> menas 4.2.1 n f / 4.3.3 n f
>>> iras 4.1.2 n / 4.3.3 n
>>> cleo 4.1.2 n / 4.3.3 n
>>> rm mark 4.3.3 n / S
>>> * 30/36 yasm tests fail!!
>>> ** make check failed for yasm
>>> *** make failed for --enable-fat
>>> where:
>>> A = Apple CC
>>> S = Sun CC
>>> 4.x.y = gcc version
>>> n = normal build passed
>>> f = fat build passed
>>> I haven't been able to figure out a combination of PATH and
>>> $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get the Sun CC and linker working on Mark. I've
>>> done it before by copying all the relevant binaries to directories in
>>> my home dir, but surely there is a way to get it to work. Anyone know?
>>> I don't think I had directories wrong for gcc 4.3.3 on Fulvia, so I
>>> think this is a real build failure. I may have gotten the Sun
>>> directories wrong however. But likely if it doesn't build with gcc it
>>> won't with Sun CC.
>>> I'm pretty surprised that fat binary worked on varro, as it is a PPC,
>>> not an x86. Perhaps fat binary just does nothing on unsupported archs.
>> Looking at configure , fat build should fail on non x86 , it doesn't set the
>> paths right. Did you make clean between builds ?
>>> Bill.
>> >>

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