On Sunday 15 March 2009 18:06:20 Bill Hart wrote:
> Did we decide this:
> This 3.4.1
> \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\//\/\/\/\/\/\/
>\/\\/ 379214 2009-03-08 02:33 /usr/local/lib/libmpir.so.3.4.1* 37788
> 2009-03-08 02:33 /usr/local/lib/libmpirxx.a 1123 2009-03-08 02:33
> /usr/local/lib/libmpirxx.la* 18 2009-03-08 02:33
> /usr/local/lib/libmpirxx.so -> libmpirxx.so.3.1.1* 18 2009-03-08 02:33
> /usr/local/lib/libmpirxx.so.3 -> libmpirxx.so.3.1.1* 24073 2009-03-08
> 02:33 /usr/local/lib/libmpirxx.so.3.1.1*
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> This 3.1.1
> was harmless?
> Bill.

This is what we did before and we didn't have a problem , so I suppose they 
are OK. It's only when we put the --enable-gmplink option in did we notice 
that the numbers are somewhat unrelated to the library version numbers.
For example gmp-4.2.4 has the numbers 

assert.o  extract-dbl.o  libgmp.lai        libgmpxx.a    libgmpxx.so.4@      
mp_clz_tab.o   mp_set_fns.o  randdef.o   randmt.o   randsd.o
compat.o  invalid.o      libgmp.so@        libgmpxx.la@  libgmpxx.so.4.0.4*  
mp_dv_tab.o    rand.o        randiset.o  randmts.o  randsdui.o
dummy.o   libgmp.a       libgmp.so.3@      libgmpxx.lai  memory.o            
mp_get_fns.o   randbui.o     randlc2s.o  randmui.o  tal-reent.o
errno.o   libgmp.la@     libgmp.so.3.4.4*  libgmpxx.so@  mp_bpl.o            
mp_minv_tab.o  randclr.o     randlc2x.o  rands.o    version.o

> 2009/3/15 Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com>:
> > I haven't seen Michael online except for very basic sage maintenance
> > for days. I assume he is still ill. I will be seeing him personally in
> > a couple of weeks. I will ensure you get trac access.
> >
> > In the mean time, could you write a ticket and I will add it. I have
> > no idea what re-use error in mpz_urandomm is about. I haven't been
> > able to find it on the gmp website.
> >
> > Bill.
> >
> > 2009/3/15 Jason Moxham <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com>:
> >> On Sunday 15 March 2009 17:46:31 Bill Hart wrote:
> >>> Should we tar it up and call it rc1?
> >>
> >> Yep
> >>
> >>> Does make dist remove svn dirs? Does it now touch .c and .h files in
> >>> demos/calc? Does it name the tarball mpir-1.0.0.tar.gz automatically?
> >>
> >> Yes,yes,yes
> >>
> >>> We should also test the c++ headers on a couple of systems to ensure
> >>> we didn't break anything there.
> >>>
> >>> I also want to add a ticket to trac for the issue Jason Moxham fixed
> >>> that was reported on the gmp list. Can you remind me what that was?
> >>
> >> I've still not got trac access !
> >> re-use error in mpz_urandomm , fixed , but no testcase , difficult to
> >> write testcase for random stuff, re-use make it harder !
> >>
> >>> Once tarred up we can do some testing to make sure that at least
> >>> configure is not broken on all the SkyNet machines, and check that it
> >>> builds and passes make check on a random sample of them. We should
> >>> test all Core 2 and Nocona machines fully as we've changed that code
> >>> again.
> >>>
> >>> Bill.

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