Is it my browser playing up, or do our posts seem to be be going all
over the place in the threads. I start a thread called Release
Candidate 1 and the discussion gets continued in the thread on Toom-4
!! Perhaps google mail doesn't sort properly by thread.

Anyhow, here are the links to the tarball, in case I posted the wrong
ones (I don't see them anywhere in this thread). This is the tarball
and pdf doc for release candidate 1:


2009/3/15 Jason Moxham <>:
> On Sunday 15 March 2009 17:58:49 Bill Hart wrote:
>> I haven't seen Michael online except for very basic sage maintenance
>> for days. I assume he is still ill. I will be seeing him personally in
>> a couple of weeks. I will ensure you get trac access.
> Hope he's better soon.
>> In the mean time, could you write a ticket and I will add it. I have
>> no idea what re-use error in mpz_urandomm is about. I haven't been
>> able to find it on the gmp website.
>> Bill.
> Heres the original email from gmp-bugs list
> Hi,
> Section 3.4 of the manual says:
>  " GMP lets you use the same variable for both input and output in one
>  call."
> And in Section 5.13, there is no exception for mpz_urandomm(). However
> the implementation (in 4.2.4, at least), does not allow the first
> parameter (the result) to be the third one (the bound). See for instance
> the line 72 of mpz/urandomm.c that compares n and rp, but n can be
> clobbered just the line before, if it's an alias to rp.
> So I think this is a bug in the code, or in the documentation (I have no
> objection to mpz_urandomm() not allowing aliases, but this should be
> mentioned).
> Regards,
> Pierrick.
> I confirmed that the bug is there , and now it has been fixed.
>> 2009/3/15 Jason Moxham <>:
>> > On Sunday 15 March 2009 17:46:31 Bill Hart wrote:
>> >> Should we tar it up and call it rc1?
>> >
>> > Yep
>> >
>> >> Does make dist remove svn dirs? Does it now touch .c and .h files in
>> >> demos/calc? Does it name the tarball mpir-1.0.0.tar.gz automatically?
>> >
>> > Yes,yes,yes
>> >
>> >> We should also test the c++ headers on a couple of systems to ensure
>> >> we didn't break anything there.
>> >>
>> >> I also want to add a ticket to trac for the issue Jason Moxham fixed
>> >> that was reported on the gmp list. Can you remind me what that was?
>> >
>> > I've still not got trac access !
>> > re-use error in mpz_urandomm , fixed , but no testcase , difficult to
>> > write testcase for random stuff, re-use make it harder !
>> >
>> >> Once tarred up we can do some testing to make sure that at least
>> >> configure is not broken on all the SkyNet machines, and check that it
>> >> builds and passes make check on a random sample of them. We should
>> >> test all Core 2 and Nocona machines fully as we've changed that code
>> >> again.
>> >>
>> >> Bill.
> >

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